Student Government Roundup

Shakeup in student government leadership BY JALEN REID STAFF WRITER Student Government has undergone many changes over the last month. New legislation has been introduced, and leadership roles have shifted significantly. Davide Genoese-Zerbi, speaker of the senate, has resigned, as…

Mason At the Bay

University of Maryland partners with Mason to restore the Chesapeake Bay BY CYD MEJIA STAFF WRITER The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States. According to Lindsay Eney from the Chesapeake Bay Program, “[The Chesapeake Bay] is…

Immigration and the Midterms

Panel talks future of immigration legislation BY IZZ LAMAGDELEINE, COPY CHIEF The 2018 midterm election saw the House of Representatives turn blue with a Democrat majority, while the Senate gained more Republican members. The midterms held several historic moments for…

Mason Reacts to the Midterm Elections

Turnout soars as elections remain contested BY ALEXANDER SHEDD, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The 2018 midterm elections have finally come to a close. The Democrats took the House of Representatives, flipping multiple incumbent Republican seats in the process, while the Republicans maintained control of…

Mason Professor Banned From Fox News and Business Network

Students and faculty call for Chris Farrell’s removal BY APRIL HORENCY STAFF WRITER Chris Farrell, a journalism professor at Mason and director of investigations and research for the conservative watchdog organization Judicial Watch, has been banned from speaking on both Fox…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018 – Fairfax Campus, 12:06 p.m. Drug/Narcotic Violations: Subject (GMU) was issued a releasable summons for possessing illegal drugs. Case 2018-011017 – Cleared by Summons Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018 – Arlington Campus, 3:10 p.m. Theft from Building/…

Mason Students and a Rise in Vaping on Campus

Recent studies on vaping and students’ opinions on e-cigarettes BY COLLIN COPE STAFF WRITER Whether on the way to class or walking through a residence hall, it would be hard for a day to go by without seeing at least…

Weeding Out Students In Stem

Students and College of Science faculty describe their experiences with STEM BY SABIHA BASIT, STAFF WRITER As the fall semester slowly begins to wrap up, most students are beginning to sign up for the classes they will take next semester. Many…

Greg Miller’s latest book, “The Apprentice”

Miller discusses challenges of being a journalist in D.C. BY LIV VERMANE LONGFORM EDITOR On the eve of the midterm elections, Mason hosted a discussion between Washington Post national security reporter Greg Miller and Gen. Michael V. Hayden, founder of the…