Category: Opinion

You can’t replace RBG with Amy Coney Barrett and call it feminism

BY SAVANNAH MARTINCIC STAFF WRITER Just a week after the notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, President Trump announced his official nomination for the vacant Supreme Court seat: federal appeals court judge Amy Coney Barrett. According to a questionnaire Barrett submitted…

Birds and bugs: Environmental problems haven’t gone away

BY LAURA SWIHART STAFF WRITER With eye-catching stories ranging from “How the world’s media reacted to Tuesday’s debate” from BBC (spoiler: they didn’t like it either) to “The Loss That’s Killing the West’s Wildlife” from The Atlantic, it is all…

For testing bias, focus on prediction, not score differences

BY STEVEN ZHOU STAFF WRITER In recent months, major universities such as CalTech and the University of California system have announced plans to go “test-blind,” where standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT will no longer be considered in…

Simplistic education shapes American politics

BY LAURA SWIHART STAFF WRITER In an election cycle dominated by horse-race reporting and campaign ads, American political polarization has surged to the forefront. Though many believe the stakes are higher now than ever before, bitter polarization prior to an…

What peace means to me on International Peace Day

BY SIDONIA CANNON STAFF WRITER It seems as if the world is being poisoned by an evil concoction of pandemic, climate change, racism, sexism and a dash of every other bad -ism out there. The taste is nauseating, yet we…

Beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder

BY LUKE HARRIS STAFF WRITER Beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder. It’s a complex concept that we misconstrue. If it were truly in the eye of the beholder, then why do all the models on the magazine covers…