Mason Weekly Crime Log

Wednesday, Feb. 27- Lot A, 4:44-6:39 p.m. Hit and Run: Complainant (GMU) reported a hit and run of a vehicle. Case 2019-002029-Inactive Thursday, Feb. 28- Fairfax Campus, Multiple Times Stalking: Complainant (GMU) reported receiving unwanted contact from a known Subject…

Housing Crisis or Economic Boom?

The Fuller Institute and New Virginia Majority release contradictory reports BY IZZ LAMAGDELEINE, COPY CHIEF For some, Amazon’s upcoming move to Northern Virginia is welcome and a decision that would greatly benefit both the region and the state as a…

Students Demand Action Partners With Freedom And Learning Forum

Parkland survivor Cameron Kasky speaks to students BY SABIHA BASIT, STAFF WRITER Cameron Kasky, a Parkland shooting survivor and co-founder of the anti-gun violence student group, Never Again MSD, took the stage at Mason’s Freedom and Learning Forum on Monday,…

New Poll Breaks Down Trust In Trump

Americans trust Mueller more than Trump according to new Schar School poll BY DANA NICKEL NEWS EDITOR A poll conducted by Mason’s Schar School and The Washington Post concluded that more Americans are confident in the facts presented by special…

Patriot’s Pride, or Lack Thereof?

A look into how PAC, Athletics and other departments are fighting the “commuter school” stigma BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR As of Fall 2018, of the 37,316 students enrolled at Mason’s U.S. campuses, only 5,772 undergraduate degree-seeking students live on…

This Week in Politics

Monday, Feb. 25 Vice President Pence meets in Bogotá, Colombia, with South American leaders including Juan Guaidó. Sen. Bernie Sanders, 2020 presidential candidate, attends a town hall hosted by CNN. Tuesday, Feb. 26 Michael Cohen testifies before the Senate Intelligence…

Engaging in Candid Conversations

A “Brave Space” with Room for Every Voice To Be Heard BY COLLIN COPE, STAFF WRITER Mason is home to a community of diverse students, who come from many different backgrounds all over the world. With this diversity, Mason students…

New Faces Expose Left’s Rift on Israel

Conflicting views of Israel are a source of contention in American politics BY ARJIT ROSHAN, CONTRIBUTOR On Feb. 18, 27-year-old Ibraheem Samirah won the special election for Virginia House District 86, encompassing most of Herndon and just northwest of Mason’s Fairfax…

Student Debt At Mason

Spiros Protopsaltis discusses current trends and offers advice to students BY IZZ LAMAGDELEINE, COPY CHIEF When Spiros Protopsaltis was the deputy assistant secretary for higher education and student financial aid in the Obama administration, he helped to expand students’ access…