Opioid Use Disorder Grant 

Mason partners with 11 institutions to conduct research on opioid addiction treatment within the Justice Community BY JALEN REID, STAFF WRITER  Mason is partnering with 11 other institutions that were collectively awarded $155 million dollars by the National Institutes of…

This Week in Politics

Monday 8/19 Arresting New York Police Department officer involved in Eric Garner’s death is fired. Planned Parenthood announces it will reject Title IX funding rather than comply with new abortion rules.  Tuesday 8/20 Massive fire rages at a record rate…

Starship Robots In Second Semester At Mason

The robots have become a fixture at Mason, growing from 25 to 40  BY HAILEY BULLIS, CO EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Since arriving to Mason in January, Starship Technologies’ and Sodexo’s robots have become part of everyday life at Mason. The robots were brought…

Freshmen and Interim President Holton Find New Home at Mason

Freshmen express high hopes for the upcoming year BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, NEWS EDITOR On Wednesday Aug. 21, over 3,800 freshmen, “the largest and most diverse class,” and approx. 3,000 transfer students moved into their new homes at Mason. Members of…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

Tuesday, Aug. 20 — Fairfax Campus Sexual Assault/Fondling: Juvenile complainant (non-GMU) reported being groped over the clothes by a known subject.  Case 2019-007750 — Information Only Thursday, Aug. 22 — Freedom Center Intimidation: Complainant (non-GMU) reported a verbal altercation with…

Update On The Core Campus Project

Mason construction to continue into the fall semester and beyond BY JACK HARVEY, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Construction around Mason’s Fairfax campus proceeds into the 2019-2020 school year. Students will notice the continued closure of the walkway between Southside and Wilkins…

Board of Visitors Discusses Poor Princeton Review Ranking

Princeton Review ranks Mason as 11th unhappiest campus BY JACK HARVEY, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR The most recent edition of the Princeton Review’s “Best 385 Colleges” list ranked Mason at 18th for least beautiful campus and 11th for unhappiest students.  The…

A One- On- One With the CEO Of Silent Beacon

Kenny Kelley explains the importance of safety equipment on college campuses BY DANA NICKEL EDITOR IN CHIEF Many universities across the U.S. work hard to fight against sexual violence on their campuses. There are several options that university officials will recommend…

Mason Committee Reviews Gift Agreements

“All gift agreements are subject under FOIA,” says Mason task force BY DANA NICKEL, NEWS EDITOR Mason’s Gift Acceptance Committee presented the new gift acceptance policy to Mason’s faculty senate on Wednesday, April 24. The new policy rules that any…

Town hall addresses religious discrimination on campus

Faculty members emphasize need for nuance and radical listening BY BASMA HUMADI, MANAGING EDITOR A town hall discussion, “Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and Discrimination in the Name of Religion (Part 2),” took place Thursday, April 25, in Merten Hall, moderated by Director…