Photo Courtesy of Delta Kappa Alpha

What is so special about Fourth Estate?

As I spent time planning for my term as Editor-in-Chief this summer, I thought long about this question and what the identity of our paper should be. 

Mason is home to one of the most diverse and populated campuses in Virginia near the heart of Washington, D.C. Reflected by their mission statement, Mason prides itself on having a diverse demographic. “Diversity is our strength. We include and embrace a multitude of people and ideas in everything we do and respect differences.” Said Mason.

I have come to realize that journalism is a field that draws upon multiple disciplines. Personally, I am on a pre-law track, majoring in Integrative Studies with a concentration in Legal Studies. Some have already found it surprising that I have taken on the role of running a newspaper without a major in Communication. However, during my three years working with the team, I frequently covered legal-related stories, providing me with a more unique look into the field outside of what I could have obtained in a classroom.

This year, our team has decided to expand the paper beyond new horizons: As one of the most diverse institutions in Virginia, it is only best that our paper reflects it.

Over the summer, our team invested time and effort into recruiting members from various fields of study including Communication, Government and International Politics, Business, Sport Management, History and Computer Science among many others. Already tripled in size from last year, our new writers have been more than happy to explore the field of journalism and complete training with us.

Every story needs a picture. This is why we put together a team of photographers and Graphic Design students to feature student work to complement our pieces. 

The beauty of having students from various majors as part of Fourth Estate is that we can cover stories across many areas while allowing the writers to explore further within their fields. Our readers can expect Fourth Estate to focus on diverse thought, innovation, and government affairs given our location and strengths as a student body. 

Fourth Estate is always looking for new writers to take the leap and join us. We want to emphasize that any student, regardless of their major or experience, is welcome to join our newspaper. Everyone has a special talent to contribute, and the opportunity to pursue their dreams on a new level.

Students who are interested in joining should email us at eic@gmufourthestate.com to get started.

Let’s get to writing!


Erica Munisar
