Layton/McLaughlin ticket secures victory

Progress with purpose proceeds to prosperity BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Camden Layton and Adia McLaughlin are to be Mason’s student body president and vice president for the 2019-2020 academic year. “Adia and I are extremely grateful and humbled…

This Week in Politics

Monday, March 25 In an effort to resurrect his father, George W. Bush sacrifices Jeb Bush on an altar at the family’s ranch in Texas. President Trump skips out on meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un to watch…

Timely Mason PD Finally Email Students About 1993 Sexual Assault

Students complain Mason “too transparent” BY ABIGAIL ADCOX THE ASSISTANT On Tuesday, March 26, students received an email from Mason PD alerting them to a suspect allegedly groping female students, which occurred in several residence halls on campus in 1993….

Mason Student Gets Drunk, Actually Beats Robot

“It just wanted to have a beep-boop day” BY IZZ LAMAGDELEINE COPY GOD In a manner that showed how professional, incredible and amazing Mason students are, Tuesday, March 28, a student was found in a state of intoxication close to…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

Monday, March 18- Fairfax Campus, Multiple times Stalking: Complainant (GMU) reported receiving unwanted contact from an unknown subject (GMU) on multiple occasions. Due to confidentiality of reporting, limited information is available regarding this incident. CSA Report #031819- Information Only. Tuesday,…