Climate education program receives $3 million grant

The program Climate Matters recently received a $3 million grant to help better communicate climate change to the public. Dr. Edward Maibach, the director of George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication and the lead investigator for the program,…

Global Center grand ballroom adjusts pricing

Student organizations have recently found difficulty in booking events in the Mason’s Global Center Grand Ballroom due to pricing changes as the ballroom transitions from a hotel to a university space. Mason’s Office of Events Management manages the use of the Global Grand Ballroom through 25Live, Mason’s online…

University reduces budget cuts; still cutting $10.9 million

Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration JJ Davis and Provost David Wu updated faculty, students and staff on the new reduction of state-mandated budget cuts in a town hall meeting this week. Davis and Wu say that the university’s…

New brand profile phases out “Where innovation is tradition”

George Mason University has created its first “brand profile,” a creative strategy for communication with recruits, students and alumni. The university will use this profile as a resource for communication and marketing and will phase out the university’s tagline “Where Innovation…

New partnership aims to boost student voice at polls

A new partnership encourages more college students to cast their votes at the ballot box. MASONVotes and Virginia21, a non-profit and non-partisan organization that supports young voters in higher education, have created a partnership with TurboVote to ease the obstacles…

New Rector sets goal to raise university endowment

The new rector for Mason’s Board of Visitors hopes to raise the university endowment, provide student opportunities and promote diversified thought. Former U.S. Congressman Tom Davis was appointed as rector of the BOV earlier this year after joining in 2013….

New park planned for heart of Fairfax

A new park in the historic district of Fairfax will soon provide a civic and recreational outdoor space. Construction of Old Town Square is expected to be finished by Dec. 2014. “[Old Town Square] will be a very vibrant place…

Mason students participate in largest climate march in history

Several George Mason University students took part in the People’s Climate March, the largest climate change protest in history. Over 400,000 people gathered together in New York City  to incite significant action from world leaders attending a United Nations climate summit…

Native American students express frustration at Redskins name

Controversy surrounding the Redskins team name has sparked heated discussion on campus. In her visit to the Fall for the Book festival, Native American author and activist Dr. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz discussed the controversial Redskins name and mascot. According to Dunbar-Ortiz,…