On-campus assaults lead to “It’s on Us” reminder

(Photo credit: Megan Zendek/Fourth Estate) After Interim Police Chief Thomas Longo sent out an email to the Mason Community Feb. 8 regarding two recent sexual assaults, Student Body President Khushboo Bhatia reminded the community of the It’s on Us campaign. It’s on…

Mason adds new Wi-Fi access points around campus

Basma Humadi, Staff Writer Ask anyone on campus about the school Wi-Fi, and you are most likely to hear, “the Wi-Fi sucks!” On Twitter, there are numerous tweets dedicated to Mason’s inconsistent Wi-Fi. However, some up-and-coming improvements could drastically improve the situation.  Starting…

‘Shining a light’ on human trafficking

Tatyana White-Jenkins, Assistant Lifestyle Editor Fairfax County recently deemed January Human Trafficking Awareness Month in order to raise awareness for the growing issue. Following the announcement, various student organizations at Mason are coming together to bring attention and provide information…

Mason task force addresses adjunct faculty concerns

This story was originally published in the Feb. 15 issue of Fourth Estate. Administration-led team finds different priorities than adjunct advocacy group A task force dedicated to addressing issues faced by Mason’s adjunct faculty will soon release the results of…

Mercatus fellow charts new media in data-driven reporting

This story was originally published in the Feb. 15 issue of Fourth Estate. Mason’s Mercatus Center recently launched a website for numbers-driven reporting. Mercatus fellow Brent Skorup created the website, Media Metrics, which went live Jan. 25. The site displays…

Mason students discuss Islamophobia

(Photo credit: Alya Nowilaty/Fourth Estate) As part of the Dialogue and Discussion Project, the Mason community came together last Tuesday night to discuss Islamophobia. The evening started with each of three panelists giving a short presentation. Remaz Abdelgader, a senior conflict…

CON: No pay for play in college athletics

Ben Criswell, staff writer It’s no secret that student athletes generate (Donald Trump voice) millions and billions of dollars for their respective schools. It’s also no secret that student athletes receive exactly zero percent of the money their programs collect….

Senior Waiver Program allows learning without splurging

Mia Wise, Staff Writer Mason’s senior citizen waiver program provides opportunities for senior citizens to get back in the classroom and learn about evolving areas of study and engage with the campus community. Under the terms of the Senior Citizen…