What IZZ Activism

Izz LaMagdeleine, COPY CHIEF When people learn my name, they always have to repeat it. “Izz?” they ask with a hint of confusion. My favorite way to react, if I am not tired and can think straight, is to ask,…

Why Mason’s food is the best in the state

Move over JMU and VT BY OWEN FERGUSON, SCRIBE If you’ve ever lived on campus or eaten in the dining halls at Mason, you know the food all too well. If we’re being honest, it’s pretty great, not to mention the…

The Argument for Wingdings

BY CHRIS KERNAN-SCHMIDT, ACTIONS AND REPERCUSSIONS ADVISOR I have never found myself a fan of the traditional 12-point font, New Times Roman jazz. It has always felt too boring, and if I’m being honest,  too easy to read. When peers, professors…

Student Government Needs to Get Its Priorities Straight

JACE WHITE, MASTER OF THE BUCKHOUNDS Anyone who pays attention to Mason’s Student Government will know that the organization has had quite an embarrassing year. Though some members have tried to keep the body focused on its original mission, too…

John Delaney for President

BY DOMINIC PINO, BROOMSQUIRE I’m just going to say what everyone is already thinking: this country needs John Delaney to be president of the United States. If you haven’t heard anyone say that, I would ask if you’ve heard of the…

Social Media Health and Awareness

SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN, MYSPACE OUTREACH DIRECTOR Presidents of the United States have left their immortal words behind —written beautifully on parchment in the Declaration of Independence, spoken with mournful bravery on the field of Gettysburg or broadcasted boldly to a…

I Am the Lorax and I Speak for The Trees!

BY SUMMER BROWN, PROFESSIONAL LUMBERJACK You know what? When I came back from spring break and noticed the trees gone, I realized something. I realized something so incredibly important that I was beside myself for days on end. What did…