Rejected As A Sister

Mason LIFE student gets dropped from every sorority on campus BY SANJANA RAGHAVAN, SABIHA BASIT, STAFF WRITERS AnnCatherine “AC” Heigl is currently a D1 cheerleader at Mason and described as approachable and kind. She was a varsity cheerleader, three-time homecoming princess,…

Dialogue In Democracy

An Open Discussion of Peace and War BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, STAFF WRITER In today’s polarized U.S. climate, the Dialogue and Difference Project aims to deepen the discussion and garner student involvement. This month the discussion topic was peace and war….

Government Week at Mason

Students learn about work in the public sector from government employees and Mason alumni BY JACK HARVEY, STAFF WRITER Mason’s University Career Services began Government Week with a series of professional workshops related to work in the United States Government. Events…

Immigrants’ Contribution To Science

Galileo’s Science Café Presents Research on New Americans in Science BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, STAFF WRITER Research has shown that foreign-born scientists have brought significant contributions to the U.S. scientific community. However, recent immigration policy changes may hinder future progress. Every month…

Mason Student With Down Syndrome Rejected From Mason Sororities

MasonLIFE Cheerleader Dropped From All Panhellenic Recruitments BY DANA NICKEL, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Editor’s Note: This story is part one of what will be a more in-depth examination in the coming week. AnnCatherine Heigl was released from sorority recruitments on Sunday,…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

BY TISHA HERRERA, NEWS EDITOR Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018: Fairfax Campus (Online) Intimidation. Complainant (GMU) reported receiving a threatening message on social media. Case 2018-008834-Pending Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018: Southside Dining Theft from Building. Complainant (GMU) reported the theft of…

Chipotle Employees Allege Work Without Fair Pay

Employees speak out against unfair conditions BY SABIHA BASIT, STAFF WRITER The arrival of one of the most popular fast-food chains has brought excitement for students at Mason, but Chipotle’s success comes at a cost. Employees have alleged that Chipotle avoids…

Mason Plans To Send $3000 To Rebuild Infrastructure

Concern over the allocation of funds to assist Mason Veteran Patriots BY JALEN REID, STAFF WRITER The fourth meeting of the 39th Student Senate took place last Thursday. The meeting was headed by the new speaker, Davide Genoese-Zerbi, and President Bekah…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

BY TISHA HERRERA, NEWS EDITOR Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018 – Rappahannock Parking Deck, 6:00 p.m. Hit and Run: Complainant (GMU) reported a hit and run of a vehicle. Case 2018-008740 – Inactive Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018 – Johnson Center, 4:33…

Substance Abuse Rates Spike Among College Students

Mason lacks the recovery resources that other Virginia schools offer BY DANA NICKEL, LONGFORM EDITOR Overdoses kill 115 people every day in the U.S., according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. September is National Recovery Month, as stated by…