Mason Weekly Crime Log

BY JACK HARVEY, STAFF WRITER Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018- Lot K, 12:17 a.m. Drug/ Narcotic Violations: Subject (Non-GMU) was issued a releasable summons for possessing illegal drugs. A second Subject (GMU) was referred to Office of Student Conduct (OSC) for…

Jewish Students Respond to Antisemitism

Swastikas in Fairfax, “Jew-jokes” and fear: Jewish students speak out BY TISHA HERRERA NEWS EDITOR Earlier this month, the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV or “the J”) found swastikas spray-painted on the building’s windows and walls. This vandalism happened…

Student Government Discusses Controversial Topics

Gold Rush talk, being a conflict-free campus and condemning anti-Semitism BY JALEN REID STAFF WRITER On Oct. 11, 2018, the 39th Student Senate met at Merten Hall to discuss The George, Congressman John Lewis’ Fall for the Book talk, the first…

Mason’s Introduces New Cybersecurity Program

New program designed to address need for Cyber Security in U.S. BY DANA NICKEL, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR According to an article released by the New York Times in July 2018, the risk of attacks on U.S. infrastructure and financial systems has…

Cycling Into Fairfax

Capital Bikeshare considers extending service to Mason BY APRIL HORENCY, STAFF WRITER For the many locals who drive to work or school every day, the New York-based Motivate created a Washington D.C., branch called Capital Bikeshare. The bicycle rental system, which…

Kavanaugh Sparks Pushback From Student Groups

Mason students speak out against Kavanaugh’s confirmation BY DANA NICKEL, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court in a 50-48 Senate vote On Saturday, Oct. 6. This was one of the most “divisive votes in congressional…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

BY COLLIN COPE, STAFF WRITER Wednesday, October 11, 2018 – Essex Hall, 11:49 p.m. Drug/Narcotic Violations: Three Subjects (GMU) were referred to Office of Student Conduct (OSC) for possessing illegal drugs. Case 2018-010019 – Referred to OSC Wednesday, October 11, 2018…

A One-On-One With President Cabrera

President Cabrera discusses the future of Mason, funding, Transparent GMU and Title IX BY JACK HARVEY, STAFF WRITER Fourth Estate sat down for a telephone conversation with Mason’s President Ángel Cabrera on Oct. 10. The interview touched on accommodating non-traditional students…

A History Of The Mercatus Center

A Closer Look at One of Mason’s Policy Think Tanks BY JALEN REID, STAFF WRITER The Mercatus Center, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization located on Mason’s campus in Arlington, Virginia, is a think tank affiliated with the economics department at Mason. According…

President Angel Cabrera Speaks At Faculty Senate Meeting

Infrastructure, transparent funding and online classes were discussed BY JACK HARVEY, STAFF WRITER Mason’s Faculty Senate resumed meetings last week on Oct. 3, with an address from President Cabrera and an ensuing discussion between members of faculty. Protestors from Transparent GMU…