Student Government Update

Student government members explain current initiatives and future plans BY ALEXA TIRONI, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR It’s all hustle and bustle in Suite 2300 of the Hub as student government preps for future initiatives and the upcoming elections.  Campaigns for student…

Last Week in the News

  Monday, Feb. 24  Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape in New York trial.  “Hidden Figures” inspiration and NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson dies. Bernie Sanders becomes the first presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican, to win the popular vote in all…

Mason Establishes Cyber Security Engineering Department

Professor, students react to the new department BY BRAD BYRNE, STAFF WRITER Mason’s Volgenau School of Engineering has been approved by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) to create a department of cyber security engineering, the first…

Mason Announces Next President, Gregory Washington

Washington is currently the dean of the Henry Samueli School of Engineering at the University of California-Irvine BY HAILEY BULLIS, CO EDITOR-IN-CHIEF After a more than six-month-long search, Mason’s Board of Visitors (BOV) has selected Gregory Washington, the dean of…

Panel Explores International Ramifications of Coronavirus

Center for Security Policy Studies opens a discussion of coronavirus issues BY HEA SU LEE, STAFF WRITER On Feb. 21, the Center for Security Policy Studies (CSPS) hosted a speaker series on Mason’s Arlington campus with a panel of experts…

Mason Recruits Potential Teachers for the Visually Impaired and Blind

College of Education and Human Development works to increase educators proficient in braille and visual impairment accommodation BY ALEXA TIRONI, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Lilley Fitzgerald was born with Stargardt macular dystrophy, an inherited disorder of the retina that results in…

Last Week in the News

Monday, Feb. 17 Boy Scouts of America files for bankruptcy, allowing organization to operate as it handles sexual abuse allegations. Apple says it won’t meet its quarterly revenue goals because of coronavirus’s impact on production and demand.  Peace talks between…

Mason Chosen to Host a TRHT Campus Center

Association of American Colleges & Universities selects Mason to host this center BY BRAD BYRNE, STAFF WRITER The Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) announced on Jan. 16 that Mason will host a Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT)…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

Tuesday, Feb. 18 — Washington Lot  Destruction / Vandalism: Complainant (GMU) reported vandalism to a vehicle (keyed). (30/Tallon)  Case 2020-002068 — Referred to Title IX   Tuesday, Feb. 18 — Robinson Hall-B (Men’s Restroom near rm 364) Destruction / Vandalism:…