Why Oscar nominations matter

Last Thursday, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced their nominations for the 2015 Oscars. Much to the dismay of avid movie watchers, the academy made nominations that were boring and without diversity. In particular, the academy did…

4000 gallons of oil being cleaned up after campus spill

An emergency contractor is cleaning up an oil spill that occurred this past Saturday where about 4000 gallons of diesel fuel overflowed from holding tanks at the Central Heating and Cooling Plant on the Fairfax campus. The incident occurred around…

Panera Bread expected to open on-campus Saturday

George Mason University’s new Panera Bread was expected to open at the start of the spring 2015 semester, but now the new Johnson Center dining addition will open Jan. 24. According to Mark Kraner, the executive director of campus retail…

Mason does service in honor of Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.

Hundreds of students started the spring semester with George Mason University’s 8th annual Martin Luther King Day of Service, organized by the Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Multicultural Education and the Department of African and African American Studies on Jan. 19,…

Mason LIFE Introduces New Coffee Blend to Fund Scholarships

Sean Reidt, student, Mason LIFE What is the Mason LIFE Program? The Mason LIFE (Learning into Future Environments) Program is a four year post-secondary transition program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities at George Mason University. Mason LIFE has…

Campus Drive expected to open next semester

The Campus Drive project that will offer an alternate route into campus from Braddock Road is expected to open on Jan. 7. Currently, the intersection of Ox Road and Braddock Road is congested in the mornings and evenings as commuter…

VDACS finds herbicide pollution in Mason Pond

A Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services investigation concluded this month that water in Mason Pond tests positive for a herbicide applied by a private contractor for Mason facilities, in violation of the Virginia Pesticide Control Act. LESCO Three…

Outdoor excursions to educate students and relieve stress

  Tatyana White, staff writer Looking for a way to de-stress while enjoying the great outdoors? Mason has new ways to make that possible for its students. The university now offers Outdoor Adventures, which offers weekly trips hiking, rafting and…