Mason: the myth, the legend

Asher Ackman, staff writer For every college campus, there are college legends, and George Mason University is no exception. Colleges tend to have their own little stories that add to the college experience and help create a college identity. Most…

Ex-student sues Mason for sexual assault expulsion

According to an Associated Press report, a George Mason University student who was suspended last September for violating the university’s sexual misconduct policy is now suing Mason in federal court under a pseudonym, claiming that the encounter with a girlfriend was…

Mason Quidditch qualifies for World Cup

This story was originally published in the April 06 issue of Fourth Estate. Tatyana White-Jenkins, staff writer Mason’s Quidditch team has qualified for the chance to become crowned World Champions in their first official year as a team. The Quidditch…

Bhatia & Zaidi win president and vice president election

Khushboo Bhatia and Ali Zaidi won the student body President and Vice President elections for the Fall 2015-Spring 2016 academic year. On stage at the JC Atrium, Bhatia and Zaidi thanked many people who helped them with their campaign. One…

Lock and load: Trap and skeet on the rise

This story was originally published in the April 6 print issue. While the United States is witnessing an increase in popularity of trap and skeet teams, especially for women, Mason’s team has earned a higher profile through its many competitions and…

Project Nur: Shining a New Light

Kelsey Davidson, staff writer As sophomore and Community Health major Asra Ahmad of Project Nur puts it, “The goal of Project Nur is to engage students through civic engagement and civic advocacy, grass-roots campaigning.” Currently up and active at the…

Coping with unhappiness on campus

This story was originally published in the April 06 issue of Fourth Estate. Mackenzie Bailey, staff writer Depression, as described by the National Institute of Health, is “feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us…

Mary Lambert talks music, Macklemore, and LGBTQ

  It has been over two years since singer-songwriter Mary Lambert’s collaboration with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis was released. The song “Same Love” quickly hit double platinum in the United States. With the release, Lambert’s life completely changed from her…

Mason chefs boost culinary creativity to meet demand

As the Mason residential population will be increasingly bound to Anytime Dining meal plans, Mason Dining is working to increase culinary talent at dining halls to match the student need for on-campus food. This year marked the first year of…

Mason student investigates if adult students’ needs are met

Mason student and employee Tracy Shevlin recently surveyed students over 25 to ask about their experience at Mason for her final research project, titled “Identifying Adult Student Needs and Expectations at George Mason University.” The survey asks students questions about…