Spring training brings high hopes for Nats fans

Ben Cowlishaw, assistant sports editor Beat the drum and hold the phone, the sun came out today. There’s no better symbol for a change of seasons like baseball spring training. Everyone’s team is in first place, everyone believes this is…

Weekend Suggestions 4/8- 4/10

Kelsey Davidson, Staff Writer On Campus International Week (iWeek) International Week takes place from Friday, April 8, to Sunday, April 17. The week is dedicated to showing off the vibrant international and multicultural organizations Mason has on campus. This weekend,…

Bullied to death?

Tiffany Lin, Staff Writer An honors student at Scottsdale Community College was allegedly bullied to death in February by two professors.  This is a situation any student could come across on while attending college.  Fourth Estate prompted discussion about professor-student…

Nursing student gets internship in Tanzania helping at-risk children

Savannah Norton, Lifestyle Editor While spring semester finds most Mason students pinning down summer internships in D.C. or in their hometowns, one Mason student will be traveling much farther — 7,768 miles, to be exact — to spend her summer interning in Tanzania. Taylor…

Mason hosts sustainable food systems symposium

(Photo courtesy if Roger Leblanc) Mason’s Sustainable Food Systems Symposium on Friday, April 1, brought together students, faculty and nearly a dozen professionals to discuss emerging food systems. The event included an opening keynote speaker, a series of panelists, small…

First Well-Being Day promotes physical, mental health

May Thinnyun, Staff Writer On Wednesday, March 30, Mason’s Well-Being Team (WBT) hosted its first Well-Being Day from 12-4 p.m. in North Plaza. Created earlier this school year, WBT is a direct response to President Ángel Cabrera’s 2014 Well-Being Initiative, a facet of Mason’s Strategic…

Kandahar Journals

Basma Humadi, Staff Writer Many of today’s college students grew up hearing news stories about what was happening in Afghanistan, and today some of us are studying and building careers around international conflict. But what most of us won’t ever be able to understand is…