Shining a spotlight on the art community

Mason artists will be selling their art in first ever Artist Alley BY MONICA ECHOLS, CULTURE EDITOR The Illustrators Association of Mason will be hosting its first annual Artist Alley on Saturday, March 2 in the HUB Ballroom. Student artists…

Oat-Covered Showers and Clogged Toilets

Students share stories of the worst experiences they have with the communal bathrooms in Presidents Park BY TRAVIS MCMILLAN, STAFF WRITER Part of anyone’s first lecture from their parents about college is the talk about the grotesque communal bathrooms and…

Dear Ivy

Ivy helps a student who is suspicious of a new boyfriend BY KIM BARTENFELDER, STAFF WRITER Dear Ivy, My first semester of college I met this guy and we hit it off, but he had a girlfriend and I respected…

Disability Services Hosts Workshop for Students and Faculty at Mason

How Mason serves Patriots with disabilities BY D’ANDREA BRADY, STAFF WRITER The Office of Disability Services hosted the Disability Awareness and Inclusion Workshop on Wednesday, Feb 13. The workshop was aimed at addressing the issue of disabilities with etiquette training,…

Faces of Mason

INTERVIEWS BY YIJIE ZHU, RUTH MEKONNEN, AND HAILEY BULLIS   STUDENT: Saba Giorgis WHAT ARE YOU STUDYING AT MASON? I’m majoring in communication with a concentration in public relations (PR). It’s an exciting time to get into this field seeing as…

New LLC to Come to Mason

Gender and Social Justice Living Learning Community will join other Mason LLCs in the Fall BY LAURA SCUDDER, SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR In Fall 2019, the Gender and Social Justice Living Learning Community (LLC) will come to Mason with a focus…

Hidden Hangouts: Vivi Bubble Tea

Thank the skeleton on your way out! BY LEIGH NORMAN, STAFF WRITER The cashier has called your order of taro bubble tea four times, but you can’t hear her. There’s so much to take in. The lobby has a wall…

Macotto Movies

91st ACADEMY AWARDS – “BEST PICTURE” NOMINEES KEY: 4 = Great; 3 = Good; 2 = Fair; 1 = Poor; 0 = Ooh, let’s not go there   Black Panther is without a doubt one of the most memorable superhero…

A Survivor’s Dilemma

BY ANONYMOUS I am a survivor of sexual assault. I have only ever told three people my story. I believe it is important to talk about my mindset as a survivor, especially in today’s climate where reports and allegations are…