Author Archives: Abigail Adcox

About Abigail Adcox

Abigail is a senior at Mason majoring in Communications with a concentration in journalism. She was the previous news editor and assistant news editor of Fourth Estate.

Mason Weekly Crime Log

Tuesday, Aug. 20 — Fairfax Campus Sexual Assault/Fondling: Juvenile complainant (non-GMU) reported being groped over the clothes by a known subject.  Case 2019-007750 — Information Only Thursday, Aug. 22 — Freedom Center Intimidation: Complainant (non-GMU) reported a verbal altercation with…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

Wednesday, April 24, 2019- Roberts Road Drug/Narcotic Violations: Subject (GMU) was issued a releasable summons for possessing illegal drugs. Case 2019-004406- Cleared by Summons Thursday, April 25, 2019- Mason Pond Parking Deck Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property: Complainant (GMU) reported intentional damage…

This Week in Politics

Monday, April 22 President Trump and his business sue House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman to block subpoena for financial information. Myanmar’s highest court rejects appeal to dismiss the case of two Pulitzer Prize-winning Reuters journalists. Tuesday, April 23 Professional…

Fairfax Petland Closes After Alleged Animal Neglect

HSUS undercover investigation reveals dead rabbits left in the freezer BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR On Wednesday, April 3, Petland ended its franchise agreement in Fairfax due to an ongoing investigation by the City of Fairfax Police Department of…

This Week in Politics

Monday, April 1 A former Nevada legislator, Lucy Flores, accuses Joe Biden of inappropriate kissing and touching during a 2014 campaign event. Kellogg sells off its cookie brands, including Girl Scout cookies, to the maker of Nutella. Tuesday, April 2…

Mason Weekly Crime Log

Monday, April 1- Johnson Center (Information Desk)/ Robots Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property/Medical Assist: Subject (GMU) was referred to Office of Student Conduct (OSC) for damaging property and also transported to the hospital for an evaluation. 2019-00338- Referred to OSC Tuesday, April…

Layton/McLaughlin ticket secures victory

Progress with purpose proceeds to prosperity BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Camden Layton and Adia McLaughlin are to be Mason’s student body president and vice president for the 2019-2020 academic year. “Adia and I are extremely grateful and humbled…

Timely Mason PD Finally Email Students About 1993 Sexual Assault

Students complain Mason “too transparent” BY ABIGAIL ADCOX THE ASSISTANT On Tuesday, March 26, students received an email from Mason PD alerting them to a suspect allegedly groping female students, which occurred in several residence halls on campus in 1993….

Six Student Senators Resign In Two Days

Five of six chair positions are left vacant following resignations BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR AND JACK HARVEY, STAFF WRITER In the span of a week’s time, six student senators have resigned from their positions within Student Government. Among the…