Tag: campus culture


Mason hosts 43rd annual International Week with a week of festivities BY KAYLYN BARNHART, CULTURE EDITOR AND PARKER DANACEAU, TRISTEN SCHAEFER, KHAFIA CHOUDHARY AND JAMES CARLISLE, CONTRIBUTORS On March 29 through April 7, Mason celebrated its 43rd International Week (iWeek)…

The Secret Life of a GMU Squirrel

Tatyana White-Jenkins, Assistant Lifestyle Editor There are many things that are commonly associated with Mason: green and gold, the Patriot and, more recently, squirrels. The GMU Squirrels Twitter account has gained considerable attention and popularity since its creation three years ago….

Lay On: The LARPing Lifestyle

Written by Amy Rose “Lay on!” A shout can be heard across the battlefield as the two sides start to advance positions. LARPing, or Live Action Role Playing, involves different units or countries going to war with one another using…

Anti-abortion group sparks debate on campus

The Genocide Awareness Project, a program that seeks to end abortion, staged a protest from Monday through Wednesday last week on SUB I Plaza. “The two most important facts that we want to present are the humanity of the child…

OPINION: The harm in “harmless” campus culture

About a month ago, an email sent over the Delta Zeta chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity listserv at William and Mary University gave everyone a look into the mind of one disgusting and disrespectful human being. The message spoke of…