Students recount their most memorable experiences at Mason
Yidan Zhao, accounting major
My life in Mason is both fun and busy. What’s interesting about it is that you can participate in activities that can be happy. It’s busy because you have some tasks or activities after joining some organizations. But no matter what, these activities have helped me a lot, and those tasks can make me develop myself better. My college life is very busy, but I also found happiness in my busy schedule. I love Mason. It is the home for every [Patriot].
Saad Qureshi, information technology major with a concentration in information security
My experience in Mason was great overall. I made so many friends while taking different classes. Mason is a like a second home for me. I have been to many events [at] Mason, but surely the most memorable event would be a cricket tournament which was organized by the Pakistani Students Association. I captained my team and won the tournament.
Jinwoo Kim, economics major
The most interesting event while studying at Mason was Mason Day. On Mason Day, students all had fun with lots of things to see and eat, including rides, food trucks and colorful performances. The various prizes we gave to some of the participants through the lottery were also the highlight of Mason Day.
Saira Flores, social work major
One of the best things I have experienced at Mason is its student diversity. I think getting to meet individuals from different backgrounds and cultures had (sic) made me more aware and open-minded of new perspectives and experiences …Exposing myself to a diverse environment has promoted personal growth, mindfulness and tolerance, which allows me to see and understand the world in a different manner.
Sarah Medley, global affairs major
I would say my best event at George Mason University would have to be [from] when I was a child, going to sport camps in the summer at the Freedom [Aquatic and Fitness] Center in Manassas. … Years later, I remember working out at the Freedom Center after submitting my college application to George Mason months earlier, and receiving an email while on the treadmill, and stopping everything I was doing just to open it. Needless to say, it has been the best moment of my life here at Mason.
Bei Yan, nursing major
I remember when I was a sophomore, I had an environmental class, and the professor asked us to go to the campus and pick up cigarette butts on the ground. I have never felt so many cigarette butts in our school before. That experience took three hours, and I bent over, picked it up [and] collected it.And when I got home, I felt like I was falling apart. But I think this activity is very impressive and meaningful. I hope no one throws away cigarette butts again.