Tag: fake news

Not True, Real, or Genuine

BY DOMINIC PINO, STAFF WRITER It’s a crying shame that people have to run around ruining our words. This past week, there have been two news stories that perfectly fit the definition of “fake news.”  The first was the supposed…

Mixing Politics With Comedy

BY JACE WHITE, STAFF WRITER At some point in 2015, a younger and more impressionable me watched a video produced by Last Week Tonight with John Oliver called “Ayn Rand: How is this still a thing?” In under four minutes,…

The Solution to Finding Real News

MASON’S COMMUNICATION FORUM DISCUSSED THE FAKE NEWS DILEMMA By Claire Underwood, Staff Writer George Mason University recently hosted #RealNews2017, its annual communication forum focused on finding the truth in modern media, on Tuesday, Oct. 24. Located in the HUB Ballroom,…