Why Flu Season is Worse than Usual

 MASON SENDS EMAIL ALERT NOTIFYING STUDENTS OF FLU EPIDEMIC By Tisha Herrera, Staff Writer This year’s seasonal influenza (flu) virus has been the most virulent since 2009 according to statistics from the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, with…

Mason DREAMers Speak out on DACA

THE ACT PROTECTING UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS HAS AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE By Olivia Vermane, Staff Writer With less than a month remaining before the federal government ends the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), a sense of urgency has come over…

Mason’s Student Senate Passes New Budget

SENATORS ALSO VOTED ON NEW CABINET APPOINTMENTS TO REPLACE FORMER MEMBERS By Tisha Herrera, Staff Writer Mason’s student senate met for the third time this semester on Thursday, Feb. 8, in Merten Hall. They discussed resignations and new appointments, passed…

Eagles fly past the Patriots

By Natalie Heavren, Sports Editor It took 53 years, but the Philadelphia Eagles are finally Super Bowl Champions. Philadelphia was led by Super Bowl MVP Nick Foles, who became the first backup quarterback to win a Super Bowl since John…

State Senator pushes for marijuana decriminalization

A BILL IN STATE LEGISLATURE INTRODUCES RELAXED PUNISHMENT FOR FIRST-TIME OFFENDERS By Alexander Shedd, News Assistant Editor A state senator has introduced a new bill to the state legislature that would relax certain parts of the laws for marijuana-related offenses….

Why parking is still a problem

A CLOSER LOOK AT THE PARKING BUDGET AND HOW CONSTRUCTION AFFECTS STUDENTS By Abigail Adcox, Staff Writer Why does it cost so much to park at Mason, and why is it so hard to find a spot? The Fairfax campus…

Medical Amnesty program offers second chances

THE OFFICE OF STUDENT CONDUCT OFFERS HELP IN EMERGENCIES By Isabella LaMagdeleine, Staff Writer The medical amnesty program offered at Mason through the Office of Student Conduct is designed to ensure that all students can receive medical care if they…

Mason scientists develop tech to save lives

NEW TUBERCULOSIS TEST COULD “HELP MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WORLDWIDE” By Olivia Booth, Staff Writer Professors Alessandra Luchini and Lance Liotta led Mason students Marissa Howard, Sarah Sharif, and Sameen Yusuf, as well as students from Johns Hopkins, Peru, and Italy…

Tim Kaine hosts public Q&A with voters

THE SENATOR MET WITH CONSTITUENTS FOR HIS 2018 REELECTION CAMPAIGN By Michael Eberhart, News Editor Senator Tim Kaine hosted a “Community Conversation” event to answer questions from his Virginia constituents on Thursday, Feb. 1, in the Dr. A.J. Ferlazzo gymnasium…

Uvaldo Acosta Honored in Men’s Volleyball Invitational

By Clinton W. Carlson JR, Contributor Mason’s Men’s volleyball team hosted the inaugural Uvaldo Acosta Invitational January 26-28 at the Recreation Athletic Complex (RAC) on the Fairfax Campus. The invitational honors Mason Class of 1996 alum Uvaldo Acosta who played…