Mason celebrates Women’s History Month

“MAKE YOUR OWN DAMN SANDWICH” AND OTHER EVENTS THROUGHOUT MARCH By Abigail Adcox, Staff Writer March 1 marks the official start of Women’s History Month. Mason’s Women and Gender Studies Center will celebrate with a variety of events throughout the…

Team effort advances the Patriots to Richmond

FOUR SCORERS IN DOUBLE DIGITS HELP PUSH THE PATRIOTS PAST ST. BONAVENTURE Byline: Natalie Heavren, Staff Writer “Survive and advance, it’s that time of year,” said head coach Nyla Milleson as she opened up the victorious post-game press conference. With…

2018 Olympics Roundup

By Natalie Heavren, Staff Writer The 2018 Winter Olympics have come and gone, and the countdown to the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo begins. Team USA finished the games in fourth place overall with 23 medals, behind Norway, Germany, and…

Mason Ski and Snowboard Club races for Nationals

THE STUDENT-RUN ATHLETIC CLUB IS CROWDSOURCING FUNDING TO COMPETE AT LAKE PLACID By Sabrina Acerra, Staff Writer One of Mason’s newest and most little-known teams is headed to Nationals. Again. The George Mason Ski and Snowboard Club was founded by…

Madison Essig fights for Mason LIFE in Student Senate

FORMERLY A STUDENT SENATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE PROGRAM, ESSIG IS NOW A FULL SENATOR By Alexander Shedd, News Assistant Editor Madison Essig, formerly the Student Government representative for Mason LIFE, is now a full-fledged member of Student Senate. Mason LIFE,…

The search for on-campus housing

STUDENTS SCRAMBLE FOR ROOMS AS MANY LOSE HOUSING GUARANTEE By Lauren Sullivan, Staff Writer The search is on. Mason students are scrambling for off-campus housing following an email saying all seniors are waitlisted for on-campus housing. On Friday, Feb. 9,…

Products of prison labor on campus

HOW FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES MADE BY PRISONERS END UP IN MASON CLASSROOMS By Erik Truong, Staff Writer The furniture used at Mason every day, along with supplies in the academic buildings and residence halls, are all the products of prison…

CPAC discusses hot-button issues

THE CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE TALKED POLITICS FOR 2018 AND BEYOND By Basma Humadi, Lifestyle Assistant Editor With a Republican president in the White House and a GOP majority in Congress, attendees at the 45th annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) had…

2018 Winter Olympics update

By Natalie Heavren, Staff Writer Team USA won another nine medals since last week, although they remain in fifth place in the overall medal count. After winning four gold medals in less than a week of competition, only Mikaela Shiffrin,…