Category: Opinion

Why You Should Write

BY CHRIS KERNAN-SCHMIDT, OPINIONS EDITOR Whether I have liked it or not, writing has always been in my life. When I was younger, I despised writing. A common punishment in my parents’ house was writing sentences like, “I will never…”…

Individual Actions Can Save the Planet

BY SARA BABCOCK, CONTRIBUTOR In early October, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report stating that we have 12 years until the global temperature of our planet will be 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer. Even a half…

“Paying Amazon is a Bad Idea”

BY JACE WHITE The news that Amazon will be bringing half of its new headquarters to Northern Virginia was met with enthusiasm by those who stand to gain from the company’s move. From the standpoint of the economy as a whole,…

A Better Movement

BY ELIJAH NICHOLS, STAFF WRITER To build a better society, a better system, we must first build a better community. When we have one voice lost in the crowd, we must uplift it. There is no doubt that there is…

A Message to the JC Preachers

BY SEAN BIRDSEY, CONTRIBUTOR While antagonizing the preachers that visit our campus can be cathartic, it’s unproductive. They will not be swain, and instead see it as justification for proselytizing because we are apparently willfully ignorant of God, and thus…

The Beto Myth

BY DOMINIC PINO There were real surprises on Election Day. A Democrat, Laura Kelly, will be the next governor of deep-red Kansas, and Republican Ron DeSantis won the Florida gubernatorial election after trailing in nearly every poll. So, naturally, coverage…

The Body Positivity Problem

You Don’t Have to be Superhuman BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN STAFF WRITER Too much of anything is rarely a good thing. The rhetoric surrounding campaigns of body-positivity often paint portraits of the human body as being problematically inhuman. Language intended…

Trump’s Midterm Victory

BY JACE WHITE, STAFF WRITER In his press conference the morning after the midterm elections, President Trump expressed his satisfaction with the results. It is common for a president’s party to lose many seats in both houses of Congress after…

Letter from the Editor

Dear Patriots, It seems we can all shift gears slowly to begin prep for Thanksgiving. I don’t know about you, but I’m especially excited for pumpkin pie—and to see my family after dealing with a lot of schoolwork and stress….

Letter from the Editor

Dear Patriots, This is a big week, as the midterm elections are here. Hopefully, you registered to vote either at Mason or in your home district by absentee ballot. This is an incredibly important election. Congress has arguably the most…