Construction updates on campus

The Johnson Center roof Students came back this semester to find that the heavily trafficked Johnson Center was undergoing construction. The workers around the building and metal scaffoldings at every entrance were a result of a roof replacement project. Steve…

Advice on Attending Biggest Career Fair at Mason

Savannah Norton, Lifestyle Editor Finding jobs and networking are crucial in college.  October 7 and 8, Mason will be hosting its biggest career fair yet to give students the opportunity to make connections with as many employers as possible.  There will be over…

Mason Professor appointed Ben Carson’s senior economic advisor

Economics professor Thomas Rustici, Ph.D., has been named senior economic advisor for Ben Carson’s presidential campaign. Rustici’s role as senior economic advisor simply means that he advises Carson on all things economics. “Anything to do with money, taxes, programs —…

Mason student reflects on running from sea to shining sea

Writer, Colleen Walsh This past summer, I ran from San Francisco, California to Baltimore, Maryland with a team of 28 college students for the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. We covered fifteen states and 4,000-plus miles in 49 days….

President Cabrera’s annual salary breakdown

In the past couple months, Virginia university presidents have been making headlines for topping the list of the highest-paid state employees. Among these presidents, Mason’s own Ángel Cabrera has been put at number six for highest-payed university presidents in Virginia,…

Alum Profile: Avery Powell

Savannah Norton, Lifestyle Editor After seniors graduate, they are usually frantically applying to every job in the area and hoping for the best.  Former Online News Editor for Fourth Estate and recent Mason graduate, Avery Powell, had a stress-free post-college…


Savannah Norton, Lifestyle Editor   So, Hurricane Joaquin is coming…   You turn on the weather to see what the experts have to say… You wake up in the morning thinking maybe the rain let up just a little…but then…

Weekend Suggestions: 10/2-10/4

Tatyana White-Jenkins, Assistant Lifestyle Editor The first weekend of October presents many opportunities to check out some events nearby. Here is a list of on- and off-campus events for students to enjoy from Fourth Estate.  Stay safe and dry this…

Hazardous materials in Robinson Hall make renovations difficult

(Credit: Songjun Deng/Fourth Estate) The presence of hazardous materials, such as lead and asbestos, is one of the reasons Mason is requesting funding for the planning, demolition and reconstruction of Robinson Hall. According to Virginia’s Six-Year Capital Outlay Plan, Robinson…