Students Form College Diabetes Network Chapter

Basma Humadi, Staff Writer November is not just a month dedicated to sweater weather, falling leaves and unshaven beards: it’s also Diabetes Awareness Month. This fall, a group of Mason students formed a chapter of the College Diabetes Network (CDN), a national organization with…

Mason student explores the history of slaves in Fairfax County

Georgia Brown, an undergraduate history major, is working with the Fairfax County Historic Records Center to create a searchable index of slaves mentioned in court documents. Brown, along with the other historians in the office, searches through documents like wills,…

Lawsuit filed against Mason for denying FOIA records

Competitive Enterprise Institute seeks email correspondence after professors sign RICO-20 letter Additional reporting by Ellen Glickman & Alexa Rogers This past Friday, November 13, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) filed a lawsuit against Mason. The Director of Media Relations for CEI,…

Mason ‘Signs’ On New ASL Program

Savannah Norton, Lifestyle Editor The College of Education and Human Development recently announced that there will be a new three-semester sequence of American Sign Language (ASL) courses that fulfill the foreign language requirements for Bachelor’s of Arts (BA) students. ASL…

Warm doorknobs across campus confound students, faculty

(Credit: Megan Zendek/Fourth Estate) There are hundreds — if not thousands — of doorknobs around Mason’s campus, from residence halls to classrooms. Without realizing it, the average student probably handles at least a dozen doorknobs on a daily basis and comes to expect a certain…

From your plate to the atmosphere

How food waste contributes to climate change An often overlooked contributor to climate change is food waste. A Time article co-written by Raul Grijalva and Mason professor Michael Shank discusses food waste and how human beings can be large contributors…

Mason investigating racist drawing found on campus

On Nov. 12, an offensive drawing was discovered in Eisenhower Hall. Mason police reported the incident at 12:04 a.m. on Nov. 13 calling the incident an “intimidation” and stating a “[c]omplainant (GMU) reported an offensive drawing on a dry erase…