Madison Essig fights for Mason LIFE in Student Senate

FORMERLY A STUDENT SENATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE PROGRAM, ESSIG IS NOW A FULL SENATOR By Alexander Shedd, News Assistant Editor Madison Essig, formerly the Student Government representative for Mason LIFE, is now a full-fledged member of Student Senate. Mason LIFE,…

The search for on-campus housing

STUDENTS SCRAMBLE FOR ROOMS AS MANY LOSE HOUSING GUARANTEE By Lauren Sullivan, Staff Writer The search is on. Mason students are scrambling for off-campus housing following an email saying all seniors are waitlisted for on-campus housing. On Friday, Feb. 9,…

Products of prison labor on campus

HOW FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES MADE BY PRISONERS END UP IN MASON CLASSROOMS By Erik Truong, Staff Writer The furniture used at Mason every day, along with supplies in the academic buildings and residence halls, are all the products of prison…

CPAC discusses hot-button issues

THE CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE TALKED POLITICS FOR 2018 AND BEYOND By Basma Humadi, Lifestyle Assistant Editor With a Republican president in the White House and a GOP majority in Congress, attendees at the 45th annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) had…

OPINION: Meatless Fridays on campus

By Susan Katherine Corkran, Columnist After writing about tips for having a successful Ash Wednesday on Valentine’s Day, a reader suggested an article focusing on the following Fridays of our Lenten Season. For practicing Catholics, Lent represents giving up many…

OPINION: Looking for community- finding Mason Cru

By Emma Beitzel, Contributor Growing up in church, I knew the good and bad faces of Christianity. I loved pursuing my faith alongside others. I loved worshipping together, and learning from experts and having the opportunity to serve the the…

Working students give advice

HOW DO STUDENTS STAY SANE WHILE JUGGLING SCHOOL AND WORK? By Mia Wise, Staff Writer According to a U.S. Census report from 2011, 71 percent of undergrads were working while in college. With such a high number, it is interesting…

“Chewdanese” brings part of Sudan to Mason

By Wafer Salih, Staff Writer GMU’s Sudanese Student Association host their second annual “Chewdanese” event on Tuesday Feb. 20 at the JC Bistro. The event took place 5 p.m. between 8 p.m. Attendees enjoyed a night filled with food and…

Faces of Mason

  Dr. Kristina M. Olson, Associate Professor of Italian, Department of Modern and Classical Languages, College of Humanities and Social Sciences Compiled by Student Media What motivates you to get up in the morning?         The joy of being a…