An Open Dialogue On Human Rights

Dialogue and Difference Project hosts discussion with Dr. Danielle Aldawood BY MATTHEW HAYES, STAFF WRITER  On Wednesday, Feb. 13, the Dialogue and Difference Project hosted the first of their three events planned for the Spring semester. The event series is focused…

Immigration And LGBTQ+ Collide On Policy

Associate Professor, Rachel Lewis, tackles immigration in her latest book BY IZZ LAMAGDELEINE COPY CHIEF When Rachel Lewis began her dissertation studies, it was not in studies about lesbian cinema or transnational feminism and human rights —it was in musicology, the study…

This Week in Politics

BY DANA NICKEL, NEWS EDITOR Monday, Feb. 11 Sen. Amy Klobuchar enters 2020 presidential race. U.S. and South Korea sign deal on shared defense costs. The 2019 Grammys became the “Year for Women” with wins for Lady Gaga, Kacey Musgraves…

Mason Donor Transparency Case Comes Before Writ Panel

Transparent GMU takes their case to the capital BY JACK HARVEY STAFF WRITER Members of student group Transparent GMU went Tuesday, Feb. 12 to Richmond to have their case against the GMU Foundation and Mason considered by a writ panel of…

Internal Battle Continues In Virginia Politics

Northam to kick off “reconciliation tour” Feb. 21 BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR After a whirlwind of a month in Virginia state politics, Gov. Ralph Northam has once again stated he won’t be resigning, instead announcing a “reconciliation tour.” The…

Shining a spotlight on the art community

Mason artists will be selling their art in first ever Artist Alley BY MONICA ECHOLS, CULTURE EDITOR The Illustrators Association of Mason will be hosting its first annual Artist Alley on Saturday, March 2 in the HUB Ballroom. Student artists…

Oat-Covered Showers and Clogged Toilets

Students share stories of the worst experiences they have with the communal bathrooms in Presidents Park BY TRAVIS MCMILLAN, STAFF WRITER Part of anyone’s first lecture from their parents about college is the talk about the grotesque communal bathrooms and…

Dear Ivy

Ivy helps a student who is suspicious of a new boyfriend BY KIM BARTENFELDER, STAFF WRITER Dear Ivy, My first semester of college I met this guy and we hit it off, but he had a girlfriend and I respected…

Disability Services Hosts Workshop for Students and Faculty at Mason

How Mason serves Patriots with disabilities BY D’ANDREA BRADY, STAFF WRITER The Office of Disability Services hosted the Disability Awareness and Inclusion Workshop on Wednesday, Feb 13. The workshop was aimed at addressing the issue of disabilities with etiquette training,…