Patriot’s Pride, or Lack Thereof?

A look into how PAC, Athletics and other departments are fighting the “commuter school” stigma BY ABIGAIL ADCOX, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR As of Fall 2018, of the 37,316 students enrolled at Mason’s U.S. campuses, only 5,772 undergraduate degree-seeking students live on…

This Week in Politics

Monday, Feb. 25 Vice President Pence meets in Bogotá, Colombia, with South American leaders including Juan Guaidó. Sen. Bernie Sanders, 2020 presidential candidate, attends a town hall hosted by CNN. Tuesday, Feb. 26 Michael Cohen testifies before the Senate Intelligence…

Empowering Women One Speaker At a Time

NOVA will host the 2019 VISION conference on International Women’s Day BY ROGER HINCAPIE, NOVA CONTRIBUTOR In celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD), the Alexandria Campus of Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), will be hosting the VISION 2019 event, which will…


ALEXANDRIA (#ALcampus) Wednesday– S.E.A.S. Workshop Series:  Chill Out! Dealing with Academic Success. For students struggling to complete their schoolwork and overwhelmed with stress, head over to this workshop at 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on NOVA’s Alexandria campus in the…

(Re)Make Disney Great Again

BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN, STAFF WRITER I am typing this article with a laptop covered in cute little Disney stickers. Familiar copyrighted faces are smiling at me on my computer, my watch, my phone, half of my notebooks, all of my…

But Really—Is the Customer Always Right?

BY WREN PUCKETT, CONTRIBUTOR No need to beat around the bush here: working customer service will make a person realize that humans are a gigantic pain in the keister. Recently I worked a Valentine’s Day shift as a host. Doesn’t…

Democrats and Republicans Are Wasting Their Time

Resolution to stop Trump’s national emergency will go nowhere BY OWEN FERGUSON, STAFF WRITER On Feb. 15, President Trump declared a state of national emergency, stating that the issue on the southern border is a “national security crisis.” Trump backed up…

Does Mason Really Care?

BY MONET BALLARD, CONTRIBUTOR Mason has a great way of not informing students of the dangers we have on this campus. Now, I am writing this as a concerned female student who has a class in Innovation Hall every day….

Hypocrisy of Prison Labor

BY IVAN ANYANWU, CONTRIBUTOR The 13th Amendment did not outlaw slavery in America. This is reflected in its language: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime … shall exist within the United States.” We exist, effectively, within…