Author Archives: Susan Katherine

Halloween Allergies

BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN, STAFF WRITER The only spooky things about Halloween should be gory horror movies and haunted houses, but that sadly is not the case for millions of people. Recent statistics show that food allergies are on the rise….

Eat Your Words

BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” The first time I read these words was on a pro-ana website. For those unfamiliar with the term, pro-ana is shorthand for pro-anorexia. These are forums online where predominantly…


BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN Shortly after I was officially diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, my grandmother told me that it was a mistake for people to refer to the disease only by the first half of its name. Nervosa was a…

Me Too, Still

BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN, STAFF WRITER High-profile stories of alleged sexual assaults are continuing to play out on the national stage, leading us to face as a nation the question: “To what moral standards are we willing to hold the people…

All-Nighters Are For Owls

BY: SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN One of the best pieces of advice I have ever heard from a professor is that no perfect paper is ever written at three in the morning. A passable paper, sometimes. But a truly good paper?…

Why are you still a Catholic?

BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN I converted to Christianity at 17 years old and at the age of 21, I was confirmed in the Catholic church on Easter of 2017. I was not a “cradle Catholic” brought into my faith from…

Freshman Fifteen

Rejecting the “Freshman Fifteen”

BY SUSAN KATHERINE The world is never in short supply of boogeymen, and when it comes to our self-image and sense of worth, the notion of gaining weight is the perfect monster. In a horror-movie worthy spectacle, fatness becomes the monster…


Senioritis Immunization

BY: SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN There are certain traditions accompanying graduation that seem inescapable. Bookstores are filled with special copies of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” and teddy bears in graduation gowns. Grocery stores proudly display balloons shaped like caps and…

OPINION: Maintaining Your GPA and Your Sanity

By Susan Katherine Corkran, Columnist It’s that wonderful time of the year yet again. Spring on a college campus is marked by sniffling allergies, impatient dreams of summer, and the crippling stress of approaching finals. The coffee-filled library sessions of…