Author Archives: Abigail Adcox

About Abigail Adcox

Abigail is a senior at Mason majoring in Communications with a concentration in journalism. She was the previous news editor and assistant news editor of Fourth Estate.

College Service Project Holds Winter Clothing Drive

STUDENTS COLLECT SOCKS, HATS AND GLOVES FOR D.C.’S HOMELESS By Abigail Adcox, Staff Writer Mason’s College Service Project will host a winter clothing drive for items to deliver to the homeless in Washington, D.C. The drive will be held on…

Mason Community Takes Back the Night

STUDENTS GATHER TO MARCH AND SPEAK OUT ABOUT SEXUAL VIOLENCE By Abigail Adcox, Staff Writer “Stop the violence! No more silence!” chanted students during the march at the Take Back the Night event on Oct. 3 in North Plaza. Take…

Mason Community Takes Back the Night

STUDENTS GATHER TO MARCH AND SPEAK OUT ABOUT VIOLENCE By Abigail Adcox, Staff Writer “Stop the violence! No more silence!” chanted students during the march at the Take Back the Night event on Oct. 3 in North Plaza. Take Back…

VA Governor Candidates Offer Different Plans for Higher Education

RALPH NORTHAM AND ED GILLESPIE WANT TO STABILIZE TUITION RATES, INCREASE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION By Abigail Adcox, Staff Writer Both candidates for Governor want college to be more affordable and accessible for students, but they have different ideas of how to…