Category: Opinion

Letter From the Editor

Dear Patriots,  As I’m writing this, my co-editor, Hailey, celebrated her 20th birthday by bringing a dozen donuts for the staff. We probably should have coordinated better, because I also brought a dozen donuts for the staff. Oh well, it’s…

Why I Love The Back-To-School Season

BY ARIANNA GOODMAN, STAFF WRITER No other season is as stress-inducing yet reward-promising as the back-to-school season. Even years after the last test has been taken, some people will still feel the familiar rush of adrenaline at the onslaught of…

On False Alarms and Rhetoric

BY DOMINIC PINO, STAFF WRITER The false alarm for an active shooter at Mason on Aug. 20 was a horrible mistake that rightfully scared students who were on campus at the time. As a student myself, I call on the university to…

Is America Ready for a Female President?

BY SAVANNAH MARTINCIC, STAFF WRITER Two candidates were poised behind their podiums on the 2016 debate stage. It should not have mattered what gender each candidate identified as, but for many Americans it did. Policies and beliefs, it seemed, were…

Inform, Not Conform; Resisting The Temptation Of Polarity

BY ELI KOHN, STAFF WRITER In 2016, following one of the most divisive presidential elections in American history, voters elected one of the most divisive presidents in American history. This shocking (to many) outcome, accompanied by the relentless campaigns of both…

Why You Should Learn A Second Language

BY CLAUDE MCVICKER STAFF WRITER English has become the standard language around the world. Although people in different countries speak the language of the place they were born in, many are now taught English in school to a very proficient degree….

Money? A Monstrous Battle With Tuition

How can I get out of this mess? BY IZZ LAMAGDELEINE ASSISTANT, CULTURE EDITOR It’s the Wednesday of the week I’m supposed to go back to Mason. This year, I’m a junior. I am the Assistant Culture Editor of the newspaper…

New Title IX Coordinator, Who This?

BY NUHA ANWAR, STAFF WRITER Early this March, Jennifer Hammat, Mason’s Title IX coordinator at the time, announced her forthcoming resignation in the wake of numerous reports of sexual assault and harassment experienced by students on campus. This resignation hastened Mason’s search…

Letter From the Editors

My Fellow Patriots,  We asked our staff what we should write in our first letter addressing the Mason community. Our Online Director, Billy, shrugged and said, “You should tell them they’re going to have a good year.”  So, here it…

Letter From the Editor

Dear Patriots, This marks our last issue for the school year as well as my last letter from the editor to you all. Needless to say, this is very bittersweet. As I myself come close to graduation, I am feeling…