Category: News

Student Government initiates Safe Rides proposal

The Student Government is currently constructing a system for a potential sober ride system, known as the Safe Rides Initiative. Safe Rides is the name the students have given to the system, due to its purpose of providing safe rides…

Results of the 2014 Student Government Election

After a long campaign, Phil Abbruscato and Dilan Wickrema were announced as President and Vice President of the Mason Student Body. The results of the Student Government election were declared at noon in the Johnson Center, Apr. 7. Along with…

Future provost discusses collaboration within the university

On March 18, President Cabrera announced that he selected Lehigh University’s Dean of the Engineering School, David Wu, to fill the position of provost. Though Wu has not officially begun his position, he is already thinking about his goals and…

Student Government Election HUB

The Student Government Elections are currently ongoing, ending at 11:59, Apr. 4. In addition to the four Presidential Candidates, there are 34 Senate Candidates running for 30 available seats. Voting takes place at and candidates will be announced Monday, Apr. 7 at…

CHSS Awards Ceremony recognizes top freshman students

On March 31, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences held the Freshman Academic Achievement Award Ceremony, which recognized 250 freshmen in the college with the highest grade point averages. Two hundred and ten out of the 250 award recipients…

JC Info desk to replace computers with iPads

The information desk at the Johnson Center will soon be getting a facelift. Gail Sutton, the director of Student Centers is leading a project that will replace sixteen computers at the JC info desk with four iPads, as well as…

Meet the Candidates: Tipu and Shah

With campaign season for the Student Government election beginning Mar. 17, Fourth Estate has begun interviewing the candidates for the office of student body President and Vice President. Khadeja Tipu, running for President, is a second term senator and is currently the…

Mason joins initiative to boost study abroad participation

Mason has joined a national initiative aimed at doubling the number of U.S. students studying abroad. The initiative, called Generation Study Abroad, is a program by the Institute of International Education, a Washington D.C. based non-profit. Mason’s goal as a…

VIDEO: VH1 Reality Show star to give rousing spring commencement

Around this time of year, students and family members anxiously wait for the announcement of who will give the commencement speech during the spring graduation ceremonies. In an email announcement, Mason has finally announced that Jonny Sarhanis, a recent star…

Anti-abortion group sparks debate on campus

The Genocide Awareness Project, a program that seeks to end abortion, staged a protest from Monday through Wednesday last week on SUB I Plaza. “The two most important facts that we want to present are the humanity of the child…