Welcome back to Pats for Pats, Patriots! For all of those who have finals into next week, the Fourth Estate would like to send a very special pat your way! You got this.
This week…
Student Phu Nguyen received a pat for being a “very understanding individual.” “He never judges me and he pushes me in healthy ways to grow. I am extremely thankful for our friendship and how it has grown these last few months. He means a lot to me!”
Staff member Elena Cirmizi received a pat from a faculty alumni, who appreciated her efforts to help a recent mother work on her PhD at Mason. The student recently delivered her baby. “You have truly impacted this student’s life and the life of her little one. Thank you for the time and care you put into working with each and every student!”
Staff member Christopher Shepherd received a pat from a co-faculty member, who shared that “Chris is absolutely just the best! No matter what the question is he will take the time to answer a question and make sure that you fully understand!”
As the semester comes to a close, we would like to send a very special pat to the Mason community for taking the time out of your day to read our work and wish you all the best of luck with whatever is coming your way!