Fourth Estate/Allison Alberty

As the semester comes to a close, the only thing standing between the Mason community and winter break full of rest and relaxation is finals. The stress and anticipation on campus are palpable, but Pats for Patriots returns as a reminder to see the good, not sweat the small stuff, always help others and most importantly; be kind! 

This week… 

Faculty member Dr. Ken Thompson received a pat from a student for his help. Dr. Thompson took time out of his weekend to help a student with a late assignment, with his guidance the student was able to turn in their work later that day. The grateful student says “Dr. Thompson does so many kind things for me every day! He also is a HUGE inspiration to me and words cannot express his kindness.”  

Student DeAyre Talley received a pat from a Mason alumni for his exemplary effort. The alumni praises DeAyre for “Committing to self-development and a willingness to be academically excellent!”

Staff member Carrie Grabo received a pat from a thankful student for being more than just an academic advisor. The student thanked Carrie for “Going above and beyond as an academic advisor by checking on my well-being.”  

Have a wonderful winter break, Patriots! Pats for Patriots will return in the new year with more kindness to share! 

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