Illustration by Mary Jane DeCarlo
4 = Great; 3 = Good; 2 = Fair; 1 = Poor; 0 = Ooh, let’s not go there
Avengers: Infinity War may be one of Marvel’s best and possibly one of the most delightful superhero movies of all-time. It’s got a good sense of humor, beautiful visual effects, exhilarating action sequences and fine performances, especially from Josh Brolin. However, the experience can feel exhausting at times as there is much to juggle. That doesn’t subtract from the quality of its enjoyment. Here, the stakes seem higher than ever. This time, Marvel brings us into dark territory and real subversions of expectation for everyone involved in the narrative. The result will leave the diehards speechless. As for everyone else, it will depend on their perspective of the statements above. [Star Rating: 3.5/4]