Tag: training

Aiming for perfection

The Archery Club at Mason is distinguished for its competitiveness and achievements BY VALENTINA FALA, STAFF WRITER When the Mason Archery Club started in 2022, members aimed to put archery on the map by competing in various tournaments. Their competitive…

Weekend in the woods

Mason cadets create and train in real-world Army scenarios at Quantico BY FAREEHA REHMAN, ONLINE EDITOR   Mason ROTC cadets spent four days outdoors at Marine Corps Base Quantico in an annual spring Joint Field Training Exercise (JTFX) along with…

The red zone

Mason’s SSAC office looks to help affected students and prevent the spike of sexual assault BY FAREEHA REHMAN, STAFF WRITER The red zone is the name researchers give to the first six weeks of a semester, when sexual assault incidents…

Students and faculty receive updates about export compliance

Students and faculty received an email from the Office of Provost David Wu on March 30th explaining the university’s policy on complying with United States export controls and economic sanctions. According to the email, Mason is currently updating its procedures…