Tag: northam


Virginia lawmakers create legislation to abolish the death penalty, making Virginia the first southern state to do so BY MADDIE GIERBER STAFF WRITER Virginia, one of the most prolific users of capital punishment, approved two pieces of legislation to abolish…

Northam’s population strategy

Eradicating the Opioid Crisis in Northern Virginia By Olivia Vermane, Staff Writer Governor Ralph Northam and Northern Virginia leaders spoke at Mason on April 19 regarding the opioid crisis currently threatening the nation. As the largest public research university in…

2017 Elections signal change for Democrats in 2018

BUT THE PARTIES DISAGREE ON VIRGINIA’S IMPACT ON MIDTERMS  By Olivia Vermane, Staff Writer The November elections demonstrated huge successes for the Democratic party. In Virginia, Governor-elect Ralph Northam won by almost nine points, and fellow Democrats Justin Fairfax and…

Character Assassination in Elections

CARP CONVENED TO TALK CAMPAIGN ATTACKS IN THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND 2017 GUBERNATORIAL ELECTION  By Claire Underwood, Staff Writer The Lab for Character Assassination and Reputation Politics (CARP) recently conducted a virtual panel to discuss character assassination during elections. The…

Northam and Democrats Win Major Victories in Virginia’s Election

THE CANDIDATES HOSTED AN ELECTION NIGHT WATCH PARTY-TURNED-VICTORY RALLY AT MASON By Olivia Vermane, Staff Writer Democrat Ralph Northam won the race to be Virginia’s next governor, defeating his Republican rival Ed Gillespie in one of the first statewide general…

Gubernatorial Candidates Offer Their Education Plans

NORTH AND GILLESPIE ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW TO MAKE COLLEGE MORE AFFORDABLE By Lydia Antonio-Vila, Staff Writer The race for Virginia’s next governor will be decided this week, but many Mason students are still on the fence. Fortunately, both candidates…

Virginia Gubernatorial Race Approaches Finsih Line

CANDIDATES RECEIVE IMPORTANT LAST-MINUTE ENDORSEMENTS  By Alexander Shedd, Assistant News Editor As the Virginia gubernatorial race enters its final week, both candidates received important endorsements from some of the country’s biggest political names. Republican candidate Ed Gillespie most recently received…

Students Get Involved in Political Campaigns

VOLUNTEERS KNOCK ON DOORS FOR CANDIDATES IN GOVERNOR’S RACE  By Olivia Booth, Staff Writer With its proximity to Washington, D.C., George Mason attracts students with an interest in politics from all across the political spectrum. This election season saw many…

Campus Poll Reveals Apathy Among Student Voters

INFORMAL POLL SHOWS STUDENTS NOT VOTING By Alexander Shedd, Assistant News Editor  An informal poll conducted on campus reveals that a majority of polled students are either unsure or not voting in the upcoming Virginia gubernatorial election. Of the 65…