Tag: Health


Safety & Emergency Management staff comment on Mason’s testing operations BY LAURA SCUDDER, COPY CHIEF As Mason responds to the Delta variant, COVID-19 testing is expected to be ramped up within the coming weeks.  In an email sent on Wednesday,…


BY LUKE HARRIS STAFF WRITER War scars people. Ever since the American Civil War, the “Soldier’s Heart” has been an issue that instigated studies on the long-term effects of trauma. We’ve seen discussions of trauma in veterans more in recent…

Mason Student Tests Positive for COVID-19

Students and staff receive email detailing recent infection BY ALEXA TIRONI, ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR The Fairfax local health department is conducting an investigation to determine whether the Mason community should seek further precaution after the university was made aware Thursday…

Mason Student Tests Negative for Novel Coronavirus

University continues to issue precautions regarding coronavirus BY HASEUNG JOUNG, STAFF WRITER Over the past couple of weeks, alarming reports about the novel coronavirus outbreak rooted in China have prompted international panic. While numbers continue to rise, there are now…

Allergies Cannot Be Forgotten

BY SUMMER BROWN, STAFF WRITER Although I’m incredibly fortunate to not have any serious, life-threatening allergies, others are not so fortunate.  Most of my life I have been lucky enough to not have chronic health issues. However, my close friend…

Getting Fit With Mason Fitness

BY CLAUDE MCVICKER, STAFF WRITER Three years ago I entered the world of weightlifting, and the impact it’s had on my life is monumental. I felt bigger, stronger and more confident, and now, I always try to find time to…

Science Labs vs. Mental Health

BY ZOEHRIYA ANWAR, STAFF WRITER Being subjected to peer and familial pressure in high school resulted in me initially pursuing a degree in biology. I felt burdened by my career plans at that time, and did not see myself as…

The Japanese Breakfast and Its Health Benefits

CLAUDE MCVICKER, CONTRIBUTOR Japan is an island nation directly off the eastern coast of China, boasting a population of about 126 million (as of 2018), the third largest economy in the world and, most noticeably, the longest expected life span…

Dragon Blood Used As New Antibiotic?

Mason researchers explore the uses of Komodo dragon blood BY OLIVIA VERMANE, STAFF WRITER Researchers Barney Bishop and Monique van Hoek, along with a team of undergraduate and graduate students, have opened a new door into the world of antibacterial…