Tag: anorexia

Barbie Isn’t to Blame for my Anorexia

BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN, STAFF WRITER At its hungry heart, anorexia is a strange sickness. If you’re lucky enough to have never felt its effects or watched it devour a loved one, the cure probably seems exasperatingly simple: just eat. Sit…


BY SUSAN KATHERINE CORKRAN Shortly after I was officially diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, my grandmother told me that it was a mistake for people to refer to the disease only by the first half of its name. Nervosa was a…

OPINION: Who are anorexic people?

By Susan Katherine Corkran, Columnist I was Googling information about anorexia and fear when I saw this question under Google’s frequent searches for the keyword anorexia. It stopped me in my tracks. I had turned to the internet before when…