Category: State

Mason Celebrates Veterans Day

OMS, ROTC, AND OTHER PLAN WEEK OF EVENTS TO HONOR MILITARY SERVIVCE By Isabella LaMagdeleine, Staff Writer As Veterans Day approaches on Nov. 11, the Office of Military Services (OMS) and other campus organizations are ready to celebrate the brave…

Gubernatorial Candidates Offer Their Education Plans

NORTH AND GILLESPIE ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW TO MAKE COLLEGE MORE AFFORDABLE By Lydia Antonio-Vila, Staff Writer The race for Virginia’s next governor will be decided this week, but many Mason students are still on the fence. Fortunately, both candidates…

Virginia Gubernatorial Race Approaches Finsih Line

CANDIDATES RECEIVE IMPORTANT LAST-MINUTE ENDORSEMENTS  By Alexander Shedd, Assistant News Editor As the Virginia gubernatorial race enters its final week, both candidates received important endorsements from some of the country’s biggest political names. Republican candidate Ed Gillespie most recently received…

Students Get Involved in Political Campaigns

VOLUNTEERS KNOCK ON DOORS FOR CANDIDATES IN GOVERNOR’S RACE  By Olivia Booth, Staff Writer With its proximity to Washington, D.C., George Mason attracts students with an interest in politics from all across the political spectrum. This election season saw many…

Mason Recognized for Student Voter Participation

SENIOR MONICA VIDAURRI HOSTED A DISCUSSION ABOUT STUDENT VOTING AT THE NEWSEUM By Michael Eberhart, News Editor The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge recently recognized Mason with a Silver Campus Seal of Achievement for reaching over 60 percent participation by…

VA Governor Candidates Offer Different Plans for Higher Education

RALPH NORTHAM AND ED GILLESPIE WANT TO STABILIZE TUITION RATES, INCREASE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION By Abigail Adcox, Staff Writer Both candidates for Governor want college to be more affordable and accessible for students, but they have different ideas of how to…

Perriello Discusses DeVos’s Education Agenda with Students

By Alexander Shedd, Staff Writer Tom Perriello, former 2017 Democratic candidate for governor in Virginia and current CEO of WinVirginia, a political action group directed towards supporting Democratic candidates for the House of Delegates in Virginia, held a conference call…

Patriot Day: From 2001 to 2017

PATRIOT DAY: FROM 2001 TO 2017 By Erik Truong Today marks the sixteenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Since the attacks, the White House has held similar schedules for the 9/11 anniversary plans with very limited variations. It…

Charlottesville and the Gubernatorial Race

HOW OUR VIRGINIA LEADERS’ RESPONSES CAN SHAPE THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION  By: Alexander Shedd, Staff Writer Protesters of the “Unite the Right” rally assembled in Charlottesville, Virginia’s on August 12th to protest the proposed removal of the statue of Confederate…