Category: News

SJP’s ‘Week of Rage’: one year of resistance protest

Students for Justice in Palestine hold a protest on Wilkins Plaza during the “Week of Rage,” noting one year of resistance  BY BARRETT BALZER, STAFF WRITER AND AMELIA JANE SAND, STAFF WRITER On Oct. 9, Students for Justice in Palestine…

Cuesta-McAulay launches website for first-gen students

Cuesta-McAulay bridges gap between first-gen students and higher education with a new website BY NYLAH MITCHELL, STAFF WRITER On Thursday, Oct. 3, Student Government collaborated with the First-Gen+ Center to launch a “how-to” website. Catered towards first-generation and migrant-origin students,…

Israeli vigil held on Wilkins Plaza

Student organizations host Israeli Vigil on October 7, marking one year since the start of the Israel-Hamas war. President Gregory Washington speaks at the event.  BY BARRETT BALZER, STAFF WRITER AND AMELIA JANE SAND, STAFF WRITER Editor’s Note: Fourth Estate…

An inside look at The Eaterie

A new restaurant coming soon to SUB 1 in October 2024. BY SAM DOUGLAS, STAFF WRITER The Eaterie is Mason’s latest food hub, becoming the second newest food option to open on campus this fall semester. Located next to Chick-Fil-A…

What is the Richmond Plan?

Mason Student Government Vice President Colin McAulay explains how student government will bring student advocacy to the Virginia General Assembly BY BRANDYN FRAGOSA, SENIOR NEWS REPORTER On Sept. 25, Mason Student-Body Vice President Colin McAulay and the Government and Community…

Letter from the sports editors

Fourth Estate sports editors share their plans for the fall 2024 semester, hoping for a deeper look into the world of Mason sports BY KEVIN BINAJ, SPORTS EDITOR AND CHRISTIAN SEGOVIA, ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR My name is Kevin Binaj, and…

Petitioning for pepper spray

Freshman Sam Brown leads the charge of legalizing pepper spray on campus BY MADALYN GODFREY, COPY EDITOR In July of 2007, Mason’s former Senior Vice President Maurice W. Scherrens and Provost Peter N. Stearns approved University Policy 1120, prohibiting “the…

Dozens gather to protest defense companies

Protest against defense companies featured at Mason’s Fall Career Fair occurs on Wilkins Plaza BY SAM DOUGLAS, STAFF WRITER On Wednesday, Sept 25., Students for Justice in Palestine led a protest outside the Johnson Center against the presence of defense…

Vandalism and chained doors at Johnson Center

Recent reports of vandalism on Mason property ahead of career fair BY VIVIANA SMITH, CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AND MADALYN GODFREY, COPY EDITOR On Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 6:58 a.m., Mason Police Department reported a case of property damage at the Johnson Center….

Mason’s parking crisis

Mason faces parking shortage as enrollment booms BY JAMIE GHOLSON, STAFF WRITER “George Mason prioritizes accepting new students but forgets to prioritize parking,” senior Kat Benson said. Benson, a commuter student, is one of many students who find themselves frustrated…