Mason’s Student Government welcomes 20 new senators

Emma Schaible/Fourth Estate

Student Government announces Student Senate election results and holds their first meeting with newest senators. 


On Oct. 10, 40 new Mason Student Government senators met for the first time in the Johnson Center meeting room G. With the newest student elections, the 45th Student Senate added 20 new student advocates

SG expressed its excitement about the progress made with the new class and how they can add to the student body’s Mason experience. “Senators, bring your innovative ideas and unique perspectives, and let’s get to work,” writes the official SG Instagram account in their caption. 

“Each student election presents itself with a new opportunity to learn from the experiences of the incoming first-year classes,” Jackson McAfee said, the Secretary of Public Relations for the Cuesta-McAulay Administration and greater student government organization.

Each senator went through a required application process including mandatory meetings and campaigning over the month of September. Elections, held on Mason360, officially closed on Oct. 4. 

Speaker of the Student Senate senior C. Scott Tatum welcomed every new senator with a smile and encouraging words. After the oath of office, he summarized their role as senators as “putting others’ needs at the top of your mind… we are here to serve the students.” 

The senate agenda included a multitude of programs, including more outreach through Registered Student Organizations on campus and with individual students. Their intentions were to work more with the interests of every individual senator and ensure that a wide range of campus organizations are represented in student government. 

Emma Schaible/Fourth Estate

The student government is involved in every aspect of student life, from parking services to students’ rights. Topics such as the upcoming general elections and ways on how to better the housing and dining experience have become focuses for SG. These initiatives are deployed through their committees, in which each Senator is required to sit on two. 

All meetings are open to the student body at Mason, announced on their Instagram stories, held at 4:30 p.m. on Thursdays in Merten Hall. 

“We are equally excited to welcome these new voices to our organizations and learn from their experiences as long-term Mason students,” McAfee said.