Author Archives: Ruth Mekonnen

For Mark Rozell, the Schar School “Feels Like Home”

How the Dean of the Schar School Followed His Calling BY RUTH MEKONNEN, STAFF WRITER When Mark Rozell entered his office at Catholic University in Washington, D.C. in 2004, he did not expect a phone call from the associate dean…

Siyabulela Mandela Carries on His Grandfather’s Legacy

Mandela talks about his time at Mason and plans for the future BY RUTH MEKONNEN, STAFF WRITER When Siyabulela Mandela first arrived at Mason, he was shocked by the overwhelming support he received. “The minute I stepped my foot into…

Dear Ivy

Dear Ivy

In Fourth Estate’s First Advice Column, A Student Asks Ivy For Advice About How To Balance Their Schedule Dear Ivy, I’m having problems with balancing my school work, my job and the club I’m a part of.  My problem is…