Author Archives: David Magill

About David Magill

Student Government Reporter

Student Government initiates Safe Rides proposal

The Student Government is currently constructing a system for a potential sober ride system, known as the Safe Rides Initiative. Safe Rides is the name the students have given to the system, due to its purpose of providing safe rides…

Student senate passes bill to promote local, healthy food

On March 6, Mason’s student senate passed the Real Food resolution, a bill that attempts to change the current food source for all of Mason’s dining. If passed through the administration, this bill will transition the majority of Mason Dining’s…

Declaration of Student Rights continues development

This past semester, the Declaration of Student Rights bill has been the leading project under construction by Mason’s Student Government. Also, with the recent progress from the bill’s main supervisor, Student Government’s Attorney General, Rachael Grimesey, the bill is set…